Friendship Academy Wellness Policy
Friendship Academy of the Arts
Wellness Policy
As part of the state and national effort to curb childhood obesity, improve children’s health and enhance student learning, new state and national legislation has created stronger standards for food and beverages sold or provided at school. The new legislation impacts all districts.
Whereas, children need access to healthful foods and opportunities to be physically active in order to grow, learn, and thrive;
Whereas, good health fosters student attendance and education;
Whereas, obesity rates have doubled in children and tripled in adolescents over the last two decades, and physical inactivity and excessive calorie intake are the predominant causes of obesity;
Whereas, heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes are responsible for two-thirds of deaths in the United States, and major risk factors for those diseases, including unhealthy eating habits, physical inactivity, and obesity, often are established in childhood;
Whereas, only 2% of children (2-19 years) eat a healthy diet consistent with the five main recommendations from the Food Guide Pyramid;
Whereas school districts around the country are facing significant fiscal and scheduling constraints; and
Whereas, community participation is essential to the development and implementation of successful school wellness policies;
Thus, the Friendship Academy of the Arts School District is committed to providing a school environment that promotes and protects children’s health, well-being, and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity. Therefore, it is the policy of the Friendship Academy of the Arts School District that:
- The school will engage students, parents, teachers, food service professionals, health professionals, and other interested community members in developing, implementing, monitoring, and reviewing district-wide nutrition and physical activity policies.
School Health Council:
Established to as a resource to the school to develop, implement, monitor, review, and, as necessary, revise school nutrition and physical activity polices.
Committee Members: Mrs. Nell Collier (Executive Director), Mary Riley (Business Manager), Verlon Laird Stevenson (Office/Administrative Support),Marian Langley (Office Support), Shuneisha Pearson (Food Service Professional), Jenna Reynolds (Board Member/Teacher), Anna Nelson, (Mentor/Lead Teacher)
School Meals
School meals served through the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs will:
- be appealing and attractive to children;
- be served in clean and pleasant settings;
- meet, at a minimum, nutrition requirements established by local, state, and federal statutes and regulations;
- offer a variety of fruits and vegetables;
- will serve only fat-free milk (chocolate (or) white) and nutritionally-equivalent non dairy alternatives (to be defined by (USDA); and
- ensure that half of the served grains are whole grain;
- share the nutritional content of meals with parents and students (this information will be available on menus, the website, cafeteria menu boards, placards, or other point-of- purchase materials).
To ensure that all children have breakfast, either at home or at school, in order to meet their nutritional needs and enhance their ability to learn:
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